
How A Cup Of Coffee Helped Revive A 20 Year Relationship

For every woman, the concept of marriage is nothing of short of a a fairy tale ending “and they lived happily ever after”.

For a 50 year old mother of two, happily married for over 20 years, with two teens and a loving, committed husband, one could not ask for anything more in life, except for one thing.

I weighed 220 lbs on the Scale!!

I would eat anything that I could lay my hands on particularly my favourite brand of cookies and ice-cream, which I just could not resist.

Being well aware of my family history of both my parents and elder siblings suffering from high blood pressure and heart disease, did not make any difference either.

I tried quick diet plans, only to end up on the higher side of the scale once I got off the plan. There was no such thing as self – control and discipline.

My Husband Was Slowly Pulling Away From Me As The Days Went By!!

I never realized my husband was slowly pulling away from me. Earlier, on Friday evening, the kids are dropped off to their grandparents. Without the kids around, Saturdays were spent sharing the regular household chores, a full body massage and a hot shower together to relax and rejuvenate, followed by an occasional lunch or dinner from a nearby restaurant. This way we maintained our intimacy in our relationship.

Sundays were reserved for the kids at the grandparents place. Over the past few months, this had not been happening. My husband  started spending weekends at his office rather than with me. Maybe this was due to the additional work load. I did not pay much attention to that as I had never bothered with his work culture. 

Until One Fine Day…

It was the middle of the night. I had suddenly woken up and saw a flash of light in the living room. Not finding my husband by my side, I went to the living room.

What I saw brought my world crashing down. My husband was sitting with his laptop…

Commenting on figures of semi nude girls in bikinis on his instagram profile!!

Momentarily, too shocked to react, I went back to the room, with my head between the pillows, cried the entire night!!

Having felt cheated I decided to confront my husband…

The next day, at the breakfast table, I confronted my husband. He was too shocked to react for the time being. After a stoic silence, I directly questioned him that he did not love me anymore because I was too fat and that no one loves an elephant!!

My husband still tried to reason that it was by mistake that he had clicked the link and that he still loved me. But I was still not convinced and started doubting his intentions more so after what had happened last night. Every action of my husband was viewed with suspicion till the time…

I was pleasantly surprised to find that when I woke up and got ready, he had already prepared the coffee. He offered one cup to me and managed to convince me that drinking coffee together everyday will work wonders on our relationship in the next couple of weeks. Before that, however, he suggested I take a look at the reading on the scale for the last time.

the scale was still at 220!!

Being in a relationship for the last 20 years and having experienced this sort of thing for the first time, my instincts told me that I deserved to give him a second chance and therefore I decided to go ahead with his suggestion. We started bonding over our morning cup of coffee and at the end of the 1st week…

the scale had gone down to 190!!

As the days went by, without any change either in my diet or my lifestyle, I started feeling more and more energetic while going around the regular chores. Earlier I used to feel tired every now and then. Whenever the kids asked me to participate in their activities, I had to make some excuse or the other in order to participate as it drained me of all the energy. But now…

after 4 weeks the scale had gone down to 180 and i was able to fit into teen’s skinny jeans!!

Moving around with the kids on their bicycles at the park , shopping in the mall, or at the beach wearing my swimsuit…started drawing curious eyeballs everywhere I went. At the end of 6 weeks….

I begged my husband to reveal the secret behind the coffee date, which he obviously did not.

Our 21st marriage anniversary was fast approaching and I wanted to surprise my husband by carving out a figure that he had commented upon in a profile on his Instagram.

The d-day finally arrives…
I take my husband in front of the mirror, and take off my clothes, revealing a similar figure that he had commented upon on an Instagram profile.

He hugged me and revealed the secret behind the coffee date. He had always loved me and he always adored my petite figure, the one that I had maintained at the time of our marriage.

He loved me so much that could not see me fail when I started giving up on the diets and therefore he started researching on a method that would give the desired results at any age without having to giving up on my favourite foods.

in conclusion.

Managing a healthy lifestyle is all about choice and accordingly developing the habits that are necessary in order to maintain it. For me it was a choice that made out of a compulsion to save my marriage rather than a voluntary choice. And I am glad that I took that choice.

Life has taken a complete U-turn and it feels as if my life is reversed by 20 years, the same youthfulness that I had at the time I got married. In fact, in order to strengthen our relationship, we are contemplating a second honeymoon and have already started the preparations for the same…

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