Unlocking The Common Cold Remedies: Natural Solutions at Your Fingertips


The above aritcle is part of a response to a question asked in one of the spaces on Quora.

Understanding About The Common Cold

The human body is a wonder by itself that even today modern science has not been able to unravel its mysteries, whether it is the heart, the lungs, or the nasal passage, which are all wonders by themselves.
One of the most common occurrences in the human body are coughs and colds, particularly in the case of children, where the nasal passage is blocked due to a a viral infection. The common cold emerges as a pervasive disorder, that affects all age groups, individuals from all walks of life, all over the world.
There has been no logical reason given by the medical fraternity as to what causes coughs and colds. In fact, in certain types of bodies, it has been noticed that these symptoms automatically disappear all by themselves after 24–48 hours, without taking any medicines!
The symptoms that are apparent to colds include congestion levels in the chest and the nose, followed by a sore throat, and feelings of fatigue that often accompany the other symptoms. These symptoms not only hinder the productivity levels of individuals, due to the high levels of discomfort.
As the occurrence of colds in the body is a natural phenomenon, the same calls for effective natural remedies that can help alleviate those symptoms that block the nasal passage, which cause the unpleasant symptoms, like irritation while breathing.

The most common symptoms of Colds and their causes

Duration Of The Symptoms

The symptoms of cold in the body usually last for 7-10 days, with symptoms peaking at around 3-5 days. The duration can vary based on individual health, immunity levels in different types of bodies, and the specific virus causing the cold.
Some of the best natural remedies that can provide relief and help you recover more quickly without the help of medicines:

Providing adequate levels of rest to the affected parts

The primary organs that are impacted due to the cold are the nose, the throat and the lungs. Providing adequate levels of rest to the body’s organs is often an underestimated measure for curing common ailments such as colds and coughs as these ailments do not have any specific life of treatment as far as medical science is concerned.
To negate the after effects of these ailments, resting the affected parts of the body can cause a speedy recovery rather than the intervention of medicines. One of the wonders of the human body is that it can heal itself through the cells that are present in the body.
When the body is in a state of rest, all the cells divert their immunity resources toward fighting off the virus that is causing your cold. Ensure that the body gets its required levels of sleep during the day, and at night. Therefore, don’t hesitate to take short naps during the day if needed.

The most common symptoms of Colds and their causes

The symptoms of cold in the body usually last for 7-10 days, with symptoms peaking at around 3-5 days. The duration can vary based on individual health, immunity levels in different types of bodies, and the specific virus causing the cold.

maintaining the hydration and humidity levels in the body

The primary cause of a cold is a blocked nasal system that is hampering the breathing patterns in the body. The effects of cold cause loss of hydration levels in the body, as the water that is present in the body is discharged in the form of mucus. Therefore, applying a little heat in the nasal system through steaming can be incredibly soothing for congestion and clearing a stuffy nose.
You can create a DIY line of treatment by boiling water with herbs and spices like cloves and ginger, and inhaling the heat that is generated in the form of steam helps clear the blocked nose faster. Modern appliances like air conditioners, that provide comfort from heat, sucks out the natural humidity that is present in the air.
That is one of the reasons why doctors recommend that those suffering from colds avoid sleeping with the air conditioner running in the room. Alternatively, a humidifier in your bedroom can add natural moisture to the air, which can help with congestion and ease breathing.

antibacterial cures found in nature to negate the after effects

Honey has been one of the elements that has been used for centuries to alleviate the symptoms of is one of the has been used for centuries to alleviate coughs and colds. The antibacterial properties present in honey can soothe the soreness in the throat and clear the cold.
Combined with other elements like ground ginger, turmeric, or cloves, honey can enhance its ability to cure your cough and cold faster and in a more effective manner. You can take it on its own or mix it with warm water, lemon, and ginger to make your own concoction of herbal tea.
Both ginger and garlic, which are common ingredients found in any kitchen, are known to have potent anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties. Freshly ground ginger can be added to your morning cup of tea or prepare a garlic-infused soup that is healthy, yet nutritious.
In the case of a severe cold, just prepare a paste by grounding these elements and applying them to the exterior of the nose. The antiviral properties help kill the bacteria that cause the colds and help in healing faster.

managing the flow of liquids in the body

One of the common considerations to keep in mind in the case of a cold is to keep a constant flow of fluids in the body. The effects of colds cause a loss of fluids in the body, that cause a feeling of dryness in the throat.
The fluids help clear the mucus in the throat and the nasal passage by keeping the throat moist. Warm liquids like herbal teas, clear broths, and hot water with honey and lemon not only provide congestion from a sore throat and a blocked nose, but they also help increase the immunity levels of the body help to alleviate the situation faster.

effects of vitamins & nutrients on immunity

Certain types of vitamins and nutrients that are present in different types of foods can help alleviate the symptoms of common ailments in the body like cough and cold. Increasing the intake of foods that are rich in vitamin C like citrus-based fruits, strawberries, and bell peppers can help boost the immune system in the body.
Strong levels of immunity in the body help alleviate the effects of coughs and colds. Additionally, a diet that is rich in zinc like beans, nuts, and whole grains can reduce the duration and severity of a cold.

anti bacterial effects of sodium combined with water

Sodium is also known for its anti-inflammatory properties. Though excessive levels of Sodium in the body lead to high levels of blood pressure, using lukewarm water with sodium to gargle can provide immediate relief for a sore throat. As an effective home-made concoction to relieve a sore throat, mix half a teaspoon of rock salt or pink salt in a glass of lukewarm water and use it to gargle several times a day. This can help reduce the inflammation in the throat and ease discomfort while breathing.

in conclusion

To maintain healthy immunity levels in the body, one needs to understand one’s body and treat common disorders that have no medical relevance and line of treatment, such as coughs and colds with simple DIY methods that collaborate with the human body’s auto healing systems in a more effective manner. However, if the symptoms persist, it is always better to consult a medical practitioner at the earliest.
The best-known preventive measure to boost the body’s immunity would be to gain an understanding about the body’s nutritional requirements through a healthy and well-balanced diet plan. With an understanding about the different types of foods and the effects that these types of foods have on the various systems in the body, these minor irritations can be avoided and even if they do occur, the recovery can be faster, once we know the cause of the problem.
With the changing landscape of the environment, particularly after the pandemic, personal healthcare is witnessing a significant shift towards more holistic and natural approaches, the sole objective being the strengthening of the immunity levels in the body.
This changing shift towards holistic healthcare stems from the desire for a more comprehensive and balanced approach to personal healthcare without having to suffer from the potential long term side effects that the conventional medicines leave on the body’s internal organs.
By accommodating natural solutions blessed with the healing power of nature, individuals not only seek quick relief from symptoms, at the same time strive to nurture their overall health in a holistic and sustainable manner, tackling the root of the problem, which is the body’s immunity, which strengthens the body’s resilience towards any disease.
This shift towards natural remedies heralds in a new chapter in the area of personal healthcare, where the wisdom of nature is harnessed to tackle minor health challenges in a safe and effective manner, at the same time, fostering a harmonious balance between the body and the environment, without leaving side effects.

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